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Giabo Lotus Sanitizing System - How It Works on Killing Germs - Tested by High Point University

During the program (Fox8) you will see a bacteria test conducted by Hing Point University of how amazing is the Giabo Lotus Sanitizer by turning ordinary tap water into super oxidation water to remove bacteria.

Giabo Lotus Sanitizing System - An Example of Household Sanitizing

A TV program of CityTV. A new Giabo Lotus Sanitizer was sent to housewife Ginger, she used the machine to clean her kitchen counter top.

Giabo Lotus Sanitizing System - User Experience on Chemical Free Sanitizer

A mother of two shared her experience of using Giabo Lotus Sanitizer to take care of household sanitizing..

Giabo Lotus Sanitizing System - Multi-usages on Household cleaning

Giabo Lotus Sanitizer can help you to remove pesticide residue of fruits, sanitize your house, and sanitize baby items; not only that, benefits of Super-oxygen (O3) Water includes:

Giabo Lotus Sanitizing System - Sanitizing Food and Non-food Items

Giabo Lotus Sanitizing System supplies to you the Super-oxygenated lotus water with a strong bactericidal effect at a over 99.99% disinfecting rate on the surface of food.

Giabo Lotus Sanitizing System - Demonstration

Hands-on video demo of Giabo Lotus Sanitizer; and an asthma sufferer shares her experience of using Giabo Lotus.

Giabo Lotus Sanitizing System - General Introduction

An introduction of the Times Magazine-Best Invention Awarded Product -- Giabo Lotus Sanitizer.

Giabo Calypso Water Purifier 捷家伴加利素飲用水淨化器


Giabo 甜至尊

食譜作家Bonnie Yves: "生活猶如一張乾淨亮麗的白色彩瓷碟,碟上盛放著繽紛的顏料;只要一塗一抹,平凡的生活,立即呈現無限精彩與生氣。

Giabo 理想家伴 TVC

"Chiaphua" "Giabo" "捷家伴"